اGames remain the most popular smartphone apps purchased by consumers and those who have iPhones play more games than others, according to the latest research from The Nielsen Co.
Nearly two-thirds (64%) of smartphone users list games as the most popular app they used in the past 30 days, up from 61% last August. The next most popular apps: weather (used by 60%), social networking (56%), navigation/GPS/search (51%), music (44%) and news (39%).
Among mobile gamers, those with iPhones play about 14.7 hours each month, followed by Android smartphone owners who play about 9.3 hours monthly. The average mobile gamer plays an average of 7.8 hours; Windows Phone 7, BlackBerry and standard feature phone users played 4.7 hours monthly or less.
Games are proving addictive, as mobile gamers on smartphones such as iPhones and Android-based devices are playing more -- 9.4 hours monthly now vs. 6.4 hours a year ago.
Consumers are more likely to be willing to pay for games, too, according to Nielsen's research, which found that 93% of those who had downloaded an app within the last month would be willing to pay. In comparison, 76% of app downloaders were willing to pay for news apps.
The research firm surveys about 300,000 mobile consumers annually, or more than 20,000 each month. Twice annually, Nielsen also surveys more than 4,000 app downloaders.
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