Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tablet device Sony Tablet S is coming to Canada in 14 Septmbr | Sony Tablet S

If you were to You remember what this device is a tablet, which was referred to as S1 and is now under the name of a new, a Sony Tablet S and by image leaked the tablet expected to be issued in mid-Septmbr at least in Canada is expected to launch officially this device at the beginning of the month next to the world whole.

The specifications have not been confirmed yet but is likely to be a screen 9.4 inches at a resolution of 1280 x 768 or 1280 in 800 and processor Tejra 2 is so fast and one GHz and the system of honeycomb version 3.1 and the camera front and rear, 3 and 5-megapixel and holds a license to use PlayStation games. Again There are no assurances

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