Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tips to improve iPhone battery work during daylight hours

If you are feeling short time borne by the battery of your iPhone device during daylight hours, and if your computer is unable to complete your day shipping and one of the battery? Here's the tips that may help you to complete your day without having to charge the battery of the new iPhone, the methods able to extend the life of the battery an additional half a day at least

Perhaps you know that the iPhone needs a battery to charge the electric twice during the day, and for this there are several ways to maintain the capacity of the battery to improve the period of service during the day so that we can spend the day without having to charge the iPhone battery again

We chose you here are four ways will help you maximize the use of the battery in your device

Reduce the level of screen brightness in the iPhone

This is the most important factors that drain battery life and capacity during the daylight hours: Brightness is the password. You adjust this index so as not to exceed 49%, and this may be doubled from the period of service during the day because the battery light consumes the largest amount of battery power

إغلاق خدمة الموقع Location

Close Site Location Service

This service is also required to learn many of the applications when activated for the first time in the device, which relies on GPS to determine where on any map, and this consumes a lot of energy from a battery iPhone, especially as a number of these applications running in the background, a need-to-energy for it

Close applications operating in the background
Please note that this advice will help you to prolong the battery service on the other hand speed up the work of the device, because while remaining open applications and run in the background, it continues to power consumption and system resources as a whole

المحافظة على درجة حرارة منخفضة للجهاز

Maintain the low temperature of the device 

Keep as much as possible on the low temperature of the device, that is not exposed to sunlight or to hot environment. We do not ask you to place your device in the refrigerator, but what is required is not left on the table under the scorching rays of summer sun, or not left in a closed car when you enter the store to shop

These are some tips that we have made to you to prolong the battery service per day is derived from personal experiences and the experiences of others is the way, give very good results and help to carry the battery until the end of the day

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