Friday, December 16, 2011

Apple to Release 7.85-inch mini iPad 2 ( Report )

There are some reports that indicate that Apple plans to launch iPad Mini, with the display screen 7.85-inch resolution 1024 × 768, and as we told you there are some leaked iPad 3 parts , but today the rumor is different , and the lunch of the (Mini) iPad will be late in 2012 .

Here's what DigiTimes says about this :
“Apple is likely to launch a 7.85-inch iPad prior to the fourth quarter of 2012 in addition to a new iPad scheduled to be released at the end of the first quarter, according to sources in the supply chain.”
This means that there will be a cheaper version of the iPad contain a number of improvements and a new name will be Mini iPad Or Mini iPad 2 .

Also the DigiTimes says about the competitor to Amazon Kindle Fire, and says that mini iPad will have small Size of the screen 7.85-inch panels from LG Display and some features so it can cover both the top and bottom half of the tablet market to help it stay on top.

What Do you think about this reports ?

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