Sunday, December 11, 2011

Video: Siri stoking fireplace House

Must be that most of our readers may know by the features and technical capabilities Siri especially when this technology is used across SiriProxy, is that server which allows users with the expertise to design the instructions according to personal tastes and requirements.

سيري توقد نار مدفأة البيت

In the event successfully used in the design of your programming language correct, the maid personal "Siri" carry out these instructions carefully, and its functions are no longer limited to what is appropriated by a company "Apple" of the tasks, but has become available via SiriProxy to programmers and developers to teach the instructions, each according to his taste .

And we have already followed some of the things attractive by the "Siri", and this time give you a clip of the video (video) published one of the developers named Mark Hodder, and reviewing the "Siri," a spark fire lighted in the hall of the house, and then illuminated tree Holiday Birth control and other devices in the home.

The developer Marc has published a short time ago in his blog how to make the house inhabited by working automatically in all respects. It is, in his view, requires the platform allows to connect all devices to be remotely controlled by SiriProxy addition to the items that you will find some clarification in the video attached.

Although the SiriProxy available only to those who have knowledge to Ruby and other programming languages​​, but it's interesting to watch what can be done with Siri.

Watch the video:

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