Sunday, December 11, 2011

ESRA from cydia like-siri for the old devices

ESRA is a tweak in the first version provides voice service similar Siri, ESRA available in Cydia for devices such as the old iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4, then her experience now and tell us what you think about, but let them know a little bit after the break.

As you can see in the picture simply the talk between me and this tweak, which no matter how you try you can not say that they have the power of Siri, where can see that the answer to whatever you want, and the ESRA I spoke with her a lot and did not answer, only a few of the questions.

I liked this tweak is designed very similar to Siri, but we know that this is the initial version of the tweak, it is difficult or impossible to compare them with Siri.

The first drop of rain, so there will be a great competition in this area 'voice service' between the developers, but if you would like to experience all you have to ESRA is the search for her name in Cydia with the knowledge that is available in the Source Big Boss.

What Do you think about it ?

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